Registration for the event in Köln / University / 10 – 11 October 2024
The event will take place on
Thursday 10 of October and Friday 11 October 2024

The price of the event includes Food and Drinks for both days

We have done our very best to keep the price for this event incredibly low:
€ 50.00 per person per day Including all food and drinks.

  • The event will be supported by providing Coffee/Tea/Lemonade and Soft drinks.
  • Small snacks will be offered in the process.
    On the Menu: You can always ask for refreshments in between.
  • The menu is for both days.
  • The soup can be hot or cold depending on the temperature of the moment
  • The menu for the buffet
    • Vegetarian snacks + sauces of your own choice
    • Meat and fresh salads + sauces of your own choice
    • Fish and fresh salads + sauces of your own choice
    • Sandwiches of your choice hard or soft
    • Various kinds of sausages and toppings
    • Soup
    • Dessert

Reservation price: € 125
If you register before 1st October 2024 you will pay only € 100 for both days