English spoken.
Maybe translated into German and Dutch
10.00 -10.15coffee and refreshments + a snack
Speaker will be Mattias Gärtner
Assistance Michael van Canneyt

10.30 – 12.30
Introduction of Fresnel V1
The history of Fresnel
The architecture of Fresnel
Building your first small App with Fresnel
Fresnel and Webassembly
Fresnel and Pas2JS
12.30 – 13.30The buffet will be open
Speaker will be Detlef Overbeek
Assistance Michael van Canneyt
13.30 – 14.30Explaination of the special abilities that Lazarus adds:
converting the project and
making a web app out of a Firemonkey app
Coffee Break14-30 – 15.00coffee and refreshments
Fastreport and Lazarus
Michael Phillipenko
15.00 – 16.00Latets news from Fastreport
Promo action from FR
Coffee Break16.00 – 17.00Preparing to move to the restaurant in Köln center
We will go by public transport.
The address will be announced later.
As an extra: pastry
Once the event has finished we will meet
at a restaurant in the city center.